July 2024





In order to help teachers from the Department of Education (DepEd) gain more knowledge and competence in teaching their areas of specialization, a free seminar training was hosted by the Philippine Science High School- CALABARZON Region Campus. This annual activity, dubbed ELEVATE CALABARZON, focused on the theme “Elevating Educators’ Competencies Through Reinforced Integration and Collaboration” for this year.

Held at Batangas City Convention Center (for the plenary sessions) and at Philippine Science High School -CALABARZON Region Campus (for the parallel sessions) from May 24-26, 2019, the seminar-workshop gathered together 286 public secondary school teachers from across the region to participate in the lectures and talks prepared by invited resource speakers and the campus’ own teachers.

The resource speakers during the plenary sessions on May 24 were Mr. Jorge M. Job who shared on the topic “Teaching STEM at Temasek in Singapore: Lessons and Insights for Possible Adoption”, Dr. Priscilla S. Macansantos who addressed “Teaching the Techie Generation: Issues and Approaches”, and Ms. Anna Liza B. Saet who talked about the “School Invent Program Training”.

For the parallel sessions on May 25 and May 26, the participants were grouped according to their areas of specialization, with the following resource speakers: Mr. Jarhyn D. Floquencio (Filipino); Mr. Rendell M. Sanchez (English); Ms. Avril Ley Ann V. Recto, Ms. Cladys M. Falcunaya, Ms. Hazel H. Abareta, and Mr. Peter Tee Jay L. Alvarez (Science); Mr. Romeo M. Madrona Jr., Ms. Princes D. Bulaclac, Mr. Elmer C. Alcazar, Ms. Alona I. Gatoc, and Mr. Karlo B. Cristobal (Mathematics); Mr. Ferdinand S. Paunil and Mr. Nazareno M. Gavina (Araling Panlipunan); Ms. Myla A. Argente, Mr. Ronnel S. Escalera, and Ms. Sarha M. Arellano (MAPEH); Ms. Mary Angel L. Gavina and Ms. Benita M. Laurena (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao); Ms. Kimberly Faye M. Viaña, Mr. Leo R. Macalalad, and Mr. Ernie V. Roa (Technology and Livelihood Education).

After the lectures, the participants were given the chance to ask questions, share insights, and present demonstration lessons. A Socials Night was also held on the evening of May 25 for participants who stayed at the campus dormitory.



“Elevating Educators’ Competencies Through Reinforced Integration and Collaboration” MAY 24-26, 2019

Day 1: May 24, 2019

The first day of the seminar-training was held at the Batangas City Convention Center (BCCC) on May 24, 2019. Upon arrival at the venue, participants were asked to register according to their subject areas. A total of 286 public secondary school teachers were present during the event. The number of participants per subject area are as follows: Araling Panlipunan- 40, English- 33, Edukasyon sa Pagapapakatao (ESP)- 23, Filipino- 13, MAPEH- 24, Mathematics- 24, Science- 25, and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)- 24.

The program started off with a prayer led by Ms. Hazel H. Abareta, followed by the singing of the National Anthem and the DOST Hymn. Representatives of the Batangas City Mayor and the Batangas City Schools Division Superintendent delivered their message while Dr. Jose M. Andaya, the Campus Director, welcomed the participants personally. Before proceeding to the plenary sessions, the participants were entertained with an intermission number from Ms. Sunshine G. Blanco and Mr. Karlo B. Cristobal.

The resource speakers during the plenary sessions were Mr. Jorge M. Job who shared on the topic “Teaching STEM at Temasek in Singapore: Lessons and Insights for Possible Adoption”, Dr. Priscilla S. Macansantos who addressed “Teaching the Techie Generation: Issues and Approaches”, and Ms. Anna Liza B. Saet who talked about the “School Invent Program Training”. After each of the sessions, certificates and tokens of appreciation were awarded to the speakers.

Mr. John Vincent K. Forteza served as Master of Ceremonies for the first day of the seminar-training which ended at around 5:00PM. Participants who choose to stay at the campus dormitory were transported to the campus by jeepneys.

Day 2: May 25, 2019

Day 2 of the seminar-training was devoted to parallel sessions in which participants were grouped according to their areas of specialization. Attendees for the second day are as follows: Araling Panlipunan- 40, English- 33, Edukasyon sa Pagapapakatao (ESP)- 23, Filipino- 13, MAPEH- 24, Mathematics- 24, Science- 25, and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)- 24 for a total of 286 teacher-participants.

Speakers for the parallel sessions were the campus’ own teachers from the different units. For Filipino, Mr. Jarhyn D. Floquencio talked about “Pagsusuri ng Panitilkan sa Panahon ng Paghihimagsik” while Mr. Rendell M. Sanchez discussed “English as a Second Language” with the English Teachers. In the Sciences, the speakers were Ms. Avril Ley Ann V. Recto (Innovative Teaching Strategies in Biology: Collaborative and Game-based Learning), Ms. Hazel H. Abareta (Gamified Instruction in Physics), and Mr. Peter Tee Jay L. Alvarez (Technology Integrated Instruction and Assessment of Learning). Teachers who took charge of the Math area were Mr. Romeo M. Madrona Jr. (Problem Solving Strategy: Polya’s Approach), Ms. Princes D. Bulaclac (Assessment of Learning and Test Construction in Mathematics), Mr. Elmer C. Alcazar, and Ms. Alona I. Gatoc (Teeming the Means, Meeting the Ends: Graphical Approach of Functions), Mr. Ferdinand S. Paunil and Mr. Nazareno M. Gavina discussed “Defining Filipino Culture in the Modern Globalized World” and “Culture-Based Lesson Planning and Workshop” respectively. The MAPEH group was facilitated by Ms. Myla A. Argente (Weight Management), Mr. Ronnel S. Escalera (Arnis Officiating under PEKAF Rules), and Ms. Sarha A. Bautista (South Traditional Philippine Music and Angklung) while Ms. Mary Angel L. Gavina discussed “Transformative Innovation in Teaching Values Education” with the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao teachers. Lastly, Ms. Kimberly Faye M. Viaña and Mr. Leo R. Macalalad talked with the TLE group about “Computer System Servicing Competencies” and “Basic Robotics Using EV3 Mindstorm” respectively. The parallel sessions included lectures, discussions, games, and workshops facilitated by the speakers and the other teachers of the campus. Most of the sessions ended at 5:00 PM.

For participants who stayed at the campus dormitory, a Socials Night was held in the evening at the campus Activity Center. Participants were treated to a fun-filled night of games and other activities which were facilitated by PSHS teachers.

Day 3: May 26, 2019

The last day of the seminar-training was a continuation of the parallel sessions in the morning and the closing program in the afternoon. A total of 268 participants were present and the number of attendees per subject area are as follows: Araling Panlipunan- 40, English- 33, Edukasyon sa Pagapapakatao (ESP)- 23, Filipino- 13, MAPEH- 24, Mathematics- 24, Science- 25, and Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)- 24.

The previous day’s speakers for Filipino, English, Araling Panlipunan and MAPEH continued with discussions, workshops, and/or return demonstrations with their respective groups. The other areas on the other hand, had a new set of speakers for Day 3. Science teachers discussed “Use of Engineering Design Process in Teaching Research for STEM” with Ms. Cladys M. Falcunaya. The Math group had Mr. Karlo B. Cristobal who talked about the topic “Exploring Properties of Quadrilaterals using GeoGebra”. The Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao group had Ms. Benita M. Laurena (How to Befriend Stress: Smart Ways for Successfully Managing Stress) as speaker while the TLE participants learned about “Free and Open Source Software for Classroom Instruction” from Mr. Ernie V. Roa. The parallel sessions ended at 12:00 noon.

The Closing Program for the seminar-training was held at the Activity Center at 1:00 PM. Three teacher-participants: Ms. Melanie Mae Moreno (Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo National High School), Ms. Bella Abarintos (Batangas National High School), and Mr. Christian Dick B. Cunag (Sta. Rita National High School), were asked to share their reflections and insights about the 3-day seminar-training while the MAPEH group presented the musical performance (Angklung) they leaned from the training session. The program culminated with the giving of the certificates to the participants. Mr. Rendell M. Sanchez served as Master of Ceremonies for the event which ended at 2:00 PM.

ELEVATE CALABARZON 2019 ended successfully under the leadership of Mr. Ernie V. Roa (Chairperson), Ms. Mabelle V. Furto and Ms. Cladys M. Falcunaya (Co-chairpersons) and with the help of the campus’ faculty and staff.